Param Anandam is a non-profit voluntary organization working on Gandhian headmasters for rural development. Param Anandam is a non-political, secular NGO which is working for the overall development of the poor people of Delhi. Param Anandam is fighting for the rights of Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes (STs) of the landless poor in the state of Delhi. Param Anandam Committee to fulfill the social welfare needs of the poor people of the rural community and the residents of slum areas living near other nearby places. Its aim is to focus on the development of the poor rural households, the goal of sustainable natural resources for livelihood.
There is an emotional response to the complex problems of poverty, powerlessness, lack of organization, propertylessness, unemployment, malnutrition, diseases, illiteracy and ignorance of the people around us.
Param Anandam worked as a priority in the initial period for better understanding of social, political, economic and environmental conditions and processes of the region. In the initial stages, Param Anandam restricted his activities to a small and compact area, in which addressed the problems identified by a resource management ie land, forest, water, crops and cattle; Two basic social service activities such as beverage utensils, non formal education, sanitation and health. With these two main activities, late Param Anandam also started the program on empowerment of women. Now it is focusing on development issues with gender perspective and is playing role as a development aid organization for village groups.
It is engaged in the spread of medical knowledge and the development of rural downtroden. The Society Counseling has been a major organization in the field of guidance, which provides opportunities to organize public awareness programs, job opportunities available in the global market, policy research, employment / various opportunities available in the public and private sectors, and public awareness programs. is.
The intention of establishing the organization was to improve the socioeconomic status of thousands of people living below the poverty line, who are suffering from lack of educational facilities, vocational training and other employment resources. The government can implement its social uplift program with the coordination with the social and can create social awareness among the social people. In order to understand the problems of the poor, we have organized major thrust activities especially for Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes communities and their women and children for the rural society suffering from poverty since the beginning.
During the past few years, the organization has organized several programs with useful results despite their limited financial resources. However, there is still a need to do more to poverty and poverty in the rural areas to suffer. This organization is fully and sincerely committed to this great cause of social welfare.
Our Mission and Goals
The mission of Param Anandam is to empower the slum children and communities to provide access to health, education and community development services and provide comprehensive road to poverty from prosperity to urban poverty.